
本招聘启事包含一个博士后研究职位,在Andrew B Wong团队从事电化学CO2转化的研究。该团队隶属于新加坡国立大学(NUS)材料科学与工程系和化学与生物分子工程系。
理想的候选人应拥有电催化或类似化学方面的专业知识,并以第一作者的身份在主流期刊上发表文章(影响因子 >10 或更高)。具有材料表征技术经验的申请者优先。利用流利的英语口语进行学术交流的能力也是非常重要的优势。
Andrew Barnabas Wong,博士生导师,独立PI,新加坡国立大学校长荣誉青年教授 (NUS Presidential Young Professorship), 特聘于材料科学与工程系与化学生物分子工程系, 本科和硕士就读于芝加哥大学 (University of Chicago), 博士就读于加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley) (导师:Prof. Yang Peidong),博士后任职于斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) (导师:Prof. Thomas F. Jaramillo)。已在Science (2),  Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Catalysis,  PNAS (3),  JACS (3), Nano letters (5) 等国际权威学术期刊发表论文多篇。并与UC Berkeley, Stanford University等国际一流大学和研究机构建立了长期合作关系。
1. 在相关领域(化学、化学工程、材料科学、物理或相关领域)获得博士学位。强烈倾向于具备对电化学/电催化有深入理解和丰富经验的申请者。
2. 申请人应具备出色的科研品质和技能,如:
f) 能够指导本科、硕士和博士研究生;
g) 能够独立开展科学研究;
h) 能够进行高效的时间管理,协调个人科研任务和实验室管理等。
3. 具有以下至少一种经验的申请人将会优先考虑:
a) 具有丰富的纳米材料合成和表征经验(如新型催化剂的合成,并利用SEM、 EDS、EELS、TEM、STEM、XRD、XPS、XAS、FTIR、AFM、STM和拉曼光谱等对材料的物理、化学特征进行详细表征分析);
b) 有以下研究经验:电催化反应(包括但不限于CO2RR、OER、HER等)的研究、电催化反应池的设计、电极的设计。特别欢迎对二氧化碳电催化发展和反应器设计或电极设计有独到见解和研究思路的申请者。电催化表征经验(如利用循环伏安法/电化学阻抗谱分析电催化反应机理)者优先。
c)具有电催化反应的“现场原位”或“工况原位”操作和表征经验,如FTIR、Raman 或 XAS表征等。
e) 具有电化学反应装置优化的经验。
申请人请将以下材料以一个PDF文档形式发送至邮箱,邮件标题请注明“Postdoc application, Name”,所有材料均需以英文形式上传。
1. 个人简历(包括学习工作经历、主要研究工作内容、论文论著清单、获得的奖励情况)
3. 包括导师在内的位同行专家推荐人的联系方式
4. 博士学历学位证明材料 (如果已毕业)
National University of Singapore Postdoctoral Position Recruitment for Electrochemical CO2 Conversion
This posting is for a postdoctoral research position in electrochemical CO2 conversion in the Andrew B Wong group, which is affiliated with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as well as with the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
The ideal candidate would possess expert-level knowledge of electrocatalysis or similar chemistries with a publication track record as a first author in leading journals (Impact factor >10 or more). Experience with materials characterization techniques is also desirable. Comfort discussing research fluently in English is also highly desirable.
Those applicants who meet the requirements and pass the preliminary review will be notified via email to arrange an interview. Recruitment advertisements are in effect until the positions are filled.
1. About the PI
Andrew Barnabas Wong is currently an assistant professor (NUS Presidential Young Professorship) at NUS as an independent PI. At NUS, he has a joint appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. After completing his undergraduate and master’s degrees at the University of Chicago, Prof. Andrew B. Wong pursued his Ph.D. degree at the University of California, Berkeley in the research group of Prof. Yang Peidong. Afterward, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University in the research group of Prof. Thomas F. Jaramillo. Based on his strong background in the field of energy conversion, he has produced many exciting works and published many papers in international peer-reviewed academic journals such as Science (2), Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Catalysis, PNAS (3), JACS (3), Nano letters (5), etc. Moreover, he has established long-term cooperative relations with UC Berkeley, Stanford University, and other world-class universities and research institutions.
2. Homepages and Research Group Website
3. Qualifications
1. PhD degree in a related discipline (Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, or a related field). A strong understanding and extensive experience in electrochemistry/electrocatalysis is strongly preferred.
2. Applicants should have excellent research skills, experiences, and traits, such as:
a) Able to demonstrate innovative thinking and excellent writing ability through a track record of innovative research results through first-author papers in high-level (IF >10) journals
b) Able to understand, analyze, and critique literature
c)Able to propose scientific research directions, formulate research plans, and independently carry out scientific research
d) Possessing a rigorous and serious attitude towards research
e) Possessing strong communication and teamwork skills, and being able to work well in an interdisciplinary and multicultural team environment;
f) Able to mentor undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students
g) Able to carry out scientific research independently
hEfficient time management, coordination of individual scientific research tasks and, laboratory management, etc.
3. Applicants with at least one of the following experiences are preferred:
a) Rich nanomaterial synthesis and material characterization experience (such as the synthesis of new catalysts with detailed characterization of physical and chemical properties, (ie. SEM, EDS, EELS, TEM, STEM, XRD, XAS, XPS, FTIR, AFM, STM, and/or Raman spectroscopy);
b) Research background in electrocatalytic reactions (including but not limited to CO2RR, OER, HER, etc.) and/or with electrochemical reactor or electrode design. Applicants with unique insights and research ideas on developing carbon dioxide electrocatalysis and cell design or electrode design are particularly desirable. Experience in electrocatalytic characterization (such as analysis of electrocatalytic reaction mechanism by cyclic voltammetry/electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) is also preferable.
c)Experience with in-situ or in operando characterization of electrocatalysts, including FTIR, Raman, or XAS characterization, etc.
d) Experience in high-temperature electrochemistry using molten salt electrolytes.
e) Experience in electrochemical reactor optimization.
4. Instructions on How to Apply:
Applicants should send the following materials in the form of a PDF document to Please indicate Postdoc application, Name” in the subject of the email and submit all application materials in English.
a) Personal Resume (including study and work experience, main research work content, dissertation title, and awards received)
b) Three Academic Papers that can reflect your personal research ability and academic achievement
c) Contact Information for four letters of recommendation writers (including supervisor) 
d) Doctoral Degree Certificate (if graduated)

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