

Fig. 1 MA+ molecule’s orientation in cubic phase.



Fig. 2 The role of PbI6-octahedra rotations on reorientation of MA+ molecules from cubic to tetragonal phase.

来自比利时列日大学的Philippe Ghosez等,利用第一性原理密度泛函理论计算,系统地研究了MAPbI3中从立方相到四方相再到正交相的铁电性质。他们发现,MAPbI3本应该在冷却过程中出现有序无序相变,并在居里温度TFE时,转向铁电T-[111]相。

Fig. 3 Preferred orientations of MA+ molecules under different phases.

然而,在T=162 K时,PbI6八面体的旋转使系统转变为Pnma正交晶格相,这个相比T-[111]相能量更低。AFD同相和异相运动的结合进一步扭曲了A位点空位,使MA+分子按照反极性模式沿<100>方向排列。

Fig. 4 Sketch of distortions considered in our energy analysis.


Fig. 5 Connection between the reference C phase and the T-[111] phase. 

作者所提到的方法和策略是通用的,可能有助于解决相关杂化钙钛矿的潜在铁电性质。相关论文发布于npj Computational Materials 8: 165 (2022)。

Fig. 6 Atomic configuration in the a-c plane for two consecutive layers along b-axis in the a−b+a− orthorhombic phase. 

Editorial Summary

The missed ferroelectricity in MAPbI3

Organic-inorganic halide perovskites with the chemical formula ABX3, especially lead-based compounds such as methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3), have recently revolutionized the field of optoelectronics due to their appropriate band gap, high absorption coefficient, and extremely long carrier lifetime and diffusion length. Currently, ferroelectric (FE) domains are believedto be an important factor in explaining the outstanding properties of MAPbI3, but there is still a lack of definitive consensus and explanation in the academic community. Among the inorganic perovskite family, most perovskite oxides with a small Goldschmidt tolerance factor. Although MAPbI3has a small tolerance factor, it is different from traditional inorganic perovskites in that it has polar molecules at the A-site, which may have a significant impact on its ferroelectric properties due to complex interactions with the PbI6 octahedra. However, no global picture describing the evolution of molecule orientations, polar distortion and antiferrodistortive (AFD) rotation motions in all three phases has been reported yet. In this work, Philippe Ghosez et al. from the University of Liège, Belgium, systematically investigated the FE properties in MAPbI3 from the cubic to the tetragonal and then orthorhombic phases by using first-principles density functional theory calculations. It was shown that MAPbI3 should a priori exhibit on cooling an order-disorder transition toward the FE T-[111] phase at a given Curie temperature TFE. However, at T = 162 K, appearance of additional PbI6 octahedra rotations brings the system into a Pnma orthorhombic phase. This phase is significantly lower in energy than the T-[111] phase, and the combination of in-phase and out-of-phase AFD motions further distorts the A-site cavities in such a way that the MA+ molecules are now forced to align along <100> directions according to a well-defined antipolar pattern. The ground state of MAPbI3 is therefore clearly not FE, although the rearrangement of MA+ dipoles at ferroelastic domain walls might possibly contribute to providing some polar character. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 8,: 165 (2022).


Missed ferroelectricity in methylammonium lead iodide (甲基铵碘化铅中丢失的铁电性)

Wen-Yi TongJin-Zhu Zhao & Philippe Ghosez 

Abstract Methylammonium lead iodide, as related organometal halide perovskites, emerged recently as a particularly attractive material for photovoltaic applications. The origin of its appealing properties is sometimes assigned to its potential ferroelectric character, which remains however a topic of intense debate. Here, we rationalize from first-principles calculations how the spatial arrangement of methylammonium polar molecules is progressively constrained by the subtle interplay between their tendency to bond with the inorganic framework and the appearance of iodine octahedra rotations inherent to the perovskite structure. The disordered tetragonal phase observed at room temperature is paraelectric. We show that it should a priori become ferroelectric but that iodine octahedra rotations drive the system toward an antipolar orthorhombic ground state, making it a missed ferroelectric.

摘要 甲基铵碘化铅是一种有机金属卤化物钙钛矿材料,近年来作为光伏材料备受关注。其吸引人之处有时被认为源于其潜在的铁电特性,但这仍然处于激烈的争议之中。在本文中,我们通过第一性原理计算,解释了甲基铵极化分子的空间排列方式如何逐渐受到它们与无机框架结合的倾向性以及与钙钛矿结构固有的碘八面体旋转之间微妙的相互作用所限制的。在室温下观察到的无序四方相是顺电的。我们发现,它本应成为铁电体,但由于碘八面体的旋转,系统向反极性正交晶格基态演化,成为一个丢失的铁电体。

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