
由德国卡尔·冯·奥西茨基奥尔登堡大学大学物理系Caterina Cocchi教授领导的团队,提出了一种自动化计算程序。这一流程能够自动计算并处理基于密度泛函理论(DFT)得到的表面刻面的结构和电子性质。作者呈现了一个专门设计的工作流程,用于处理从无机块体晶体生成的准二维薄层模型。该工作流基于内部实现的python库,并与AiiDA基础设施以及已建立的ase和spglib库进行了高效接口对接。


Fig. 4 | Surface stability and under-coordination.
通过这些计算分析,作者揭示了表面结构与其功能性能之间的联系。这些发现不仅增强了对材料表面电子性质的理解,还提供了可靠的数据支持,有助于预测实验中可能观察到的结果,从而为未来的材料设计和应用开辟了新的道路。该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 10: 38 (2024).

Editorial Summary
In the field of material science, high-throughput screening techniques based on density functional theory can effectively decipher complex chemical structures, accelerating the development of new materials in cutting-edge technologies such as optoelectronics and energy storage. Despite the critical role that material surfaces play in energy conversion processes, research on surface properties has lagged due to technical complexities, and a comprehensive high-throughput approach to address these challenges is currently lacking.

Automated analysis of surface facets: the example of cesium telluride(表面刻面的自动化分析:以铯碲化物为例)
Holger-Dietrich Saßnick & Caterina Cocchi
Abstract High-throughput screening combined with ab initio calculations is a powerful tool to explore technologically relevant materials characterized by complex configurational spaces. Despite the impressive developments achieved in this field in the last few years, most studies still focus on bulk materials, although the relevant processes for energy conversion, production, and storage occur on surfaces. Herein, we present an automatized computational scheme that is capable of calculating surface properties in inorganic crystals from first principles in a high-throughput fashion. After introducing the method and its implementation, we showcase its applicability, focusing on four polymorphs of Cs2Te, an established photocathode material for particle accelerators, considering slabs with low Miller indices and different terminations. This analysis gives insight into how the surface composition, accessible through the proposed high-throughput screening method, impacts the electronic properties and, ultimately, the photoemission performance. The developed scheme offers new opportunities for automated computational studies beyond bulk materials.
摘要 高通量筛选技术结合从头算(ab initio)计算,已成为研究那些构型空间复杂的技术材料的有力工具。尽管这一领域在过去几年已经取得了显著进展,但大部分研究依旧主要关注于体材料。然而能量转换、产生以及储存等重要过程实际却发生在材料表面。在本文中,我们提出了一个自动化的计算框架,它能够从第一性原理出发,以高通量方式精确计算无机晶体的表面性质。在详细说明了这种方法及其实现之后,我们通过几个实例来展示它的实际应用能力,特别是聚焦于四种不同形态的铯碲化物(Cs2Te)——这是一种在粒子加速器中被广泛使用的光阴极材料。我们考虑了具有不同终止面和低米勒指数的晶体薄层模型。这种分析深入探讨了表面组成如何影响电子性质,以及最终的光电发射性能,而这些组成是可以通过我们提出的高通量筛选方法来实现的。我们所开发的计算方案不仅为材料科学的研究人员提供了新的视角,还为自动化计算研究拓宽了路径,使其能够超越传统的体材料分析,迈向更加广阔的应用前景。