


Fig. 1 Temperature dependences of the lattice constants and free energies of bulk α and β phases.

由香港城市大学材料科学与工程系的Jian Han教授领导的团队,采用分子动力学、热力学积分以及经过密度泛函理论(DFT)训练的深度学习势模型,深入探讨了钛材料中α/β界面(即和))的结构和热力学特性。

Fig. 2 Schematic of the model for simulating coherent α/βinterfaces.



Fig. 3 Temperature dependence of coherent α/β interface free energy.


Fig. 4 The α/β equilibrium temperature and coherent interface free energy under different strain states.

此项研究不仅为准确预测界面属性和运动提供了指导,还为理解和预测包括在低温下不稳定的相和相干性丧失情况下的析出行为提供了实用的参考。该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 9: 216 (2023)。


Fig. 5 Schematic of the model for simulating semicoherent α/β interfaces.

Editorial Summary

Deep potential: Structure and thermodynamic properties of titanium alloy interfaces

Titanium alloys, renowned for their exceptional performance and wide-ranging applications, require optimization of their α/β microstructure for enhanced properties. The key to alloy performance, interface energy, presents significant measurement challenges. Emerging technologies, including thermodynamic integration and neural network models trained on DFT data, now enable precise calculations of interface energy, thereby opening a new chapter in material design and performance optimization.


Fig. 6 Semicoherent interface structure.

A team led by Prof. Jian Han from Department of Materials Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, investigated the structure and thermodynamics of the α/β interface in Ti using molecular dynamics, thermodynamic integration and a DFT-trained Deep Potential. 

Fig. 7 Disconnection lines in a semicoherent interface. 

The authors first focus on the thermodynamic properties of the coherent α/β interface in titanium (i.e.,  and ) as a function of strain and temperature. Next, the authors examine the structure and properties of the semicoherent interface. This information is then applied to understand the nucleation and growth of α precipitates in a β matrix (i.e., cooling from high temperature). 

Fig. 8 Energy composition of a semicoherent interface.

The main findings in this paper are as follows. (i) The authors predict the free energy of the most important interfaces (coherent and semicoherent) in titanium. This represents the first such calculations with DFT-level accuracy (note that β phase is completely unstable at 0 K and hence inaccessible to DFT without artificial constraints). (ii) The simulations show the equilibrium structure of the semicoherent interface and its intrinsic defect structure that gives rise to the widely-observed habit plane. (iii) The authors demonstrate the mechanism of interface migration and that this mechanism gives rise to different interface mobilities in different directions (heating vs. cooling). (iv) These accurate thermodynamic and structural results are applied to make reliable predictions on how precipitation occurs upon cooling through the α-β phase transition. 


Fig. 9 Nucleation of α phase from β phase.

This paper provides a roadmap for accurate prediction of interface properties and motion as well as precipitation in any system, including in systems with phases that are unstable at low temperature and in systems where loss of coherency occurs. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 9: 216 (2023).

Fig. 10 Semicoherent α/β interface migration.


Coherent and semicoherentα/β interfaces in titanium: structure, thermodynamics, migration (钛中的相干与半相干α/β界面:结构、热力学及迁移特性)

Siqi WangTongqi WenJian Han & David J. Srolovitz 


Theα/β interface is central to the microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium alloys. We investigate the structure, thermodynamics and migration of the coherent and semicoherent Ti α/β interfaces as a function of temperature and misfit strain via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, thermodynamic integration and an accurate, DFT-trained Deep Potential. The structure of an equilibrium semicoherent interface consists of an array of steps, an array of misfit dislocations, and coherent terraces. Analysis determines the dislocation and step (disconnection) array structure and habit plane. The MD simulations show the detailed interface morphology dictated by intersecting disconnection arrays. The steps are shown to facilitate α/β interface migration, while the misfit dislocations lead to interface drag; the drag mechanism is different depending on the direction of interface migration. These results are used to predict the nature of α phase nucleation on cooling through the αβ phase transition.



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