



来自瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院材料理论与模拟中心的Junfeng Qiao等,提出了一种基于MLWFs的方法,可以自动、稳健、可靠地构建紧束缚模型,即可投影的解纠缠Wannier函数(PDWFs)。



作者所提出的方法和工作流对新材料的高通量计算及相关物理性质的深入研究具有重要价值。该文近期发布于npj Computational Materials9: 208 (2023)。

Editorial Summary
In periodic crystals, the electronic structure is usually described using one-particle Bloch wavefunctions. While choosing a basis set that is also periodic to describe these wavefunctions can often be beneficial, an alternative approach is to adopt localized orbitals in real space. One such choice of orbitals are Wannier functions (WFs), that can be obtained by Fourier transforming the periodic wavefunctions from reciprocal to real space. By a gauge choice that is optimized to provide the most localized set of WFs, maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) are obtained. Having a very localized representation of the electronic structure not only provides an insightful analysis of chemical bonding in solids, but also brings a formal connection between the MLWF centers and the modern theory of electric polarization. Moreover, the real-space locality of MLWF allows for accurate and fast interpolation of physical operators, enabling calculations of material properties that require dense samplings of the BZ, such as Fermi surface, orbital magnetization, anomalous Hall conductivity, and spin Hall conductivity, to name a few. However, obtaining accurate and compact MLWFs often requires chemical intuition and trial and error, a challenging step even for experienced researchers and a roadblock for high-throughput calculations. In this work, Junfeng Qiao et al. from the Theory and Simulations of Materials, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, presented an automated method for the automated, robust, and reliable construction of tight-binding models based on MLWFs, projectability-disentangled Wannier functions (PDWFs). First, the authors chose physically-inspired orbitals as initial projectors for MLWFs, that is, the pseudo-atomic orbitals (PAOs) from pseudopotentials. Then, for each state, the authors decided if it should be dropped, kept identically, or thrown into the disentanglement algorithm depending on the value of its projectability onto the chosen set of PAOs. The authors augmented such projectability-based selection with an additional energy window to guarantee that all states around the Fermi level or the conduction band edge are well reproduced, showing that such a combination enables accurate interpolation even when minimal sets of initial atomic orbitals are chosen. They compared PDWFs with the other method that is also fully automated, namely SCDM. They showed with a detailed study of 200 structures that PDWFs lead to more accurate band interpolations, and are more atom-centered and more localized than those originating from SCDM. The method and workflows provided in this work is valuable for large-scale high-throughput findings of new materials and the insightful analysis of the related physical properties. Thisarticle was recently published in npj Computational Materials 9: 208 (2023).
Projectability disentanglement for accurate and automated electronic-structure Hamiltonians (精确和自动化电子结构哈密顿量的可投影解纠缠)
Junfeng Qiao, Giovanni Pizzi & Nicola Marzari
Maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) are broadly used to characterize the electronic structure of materials. Generally, one can construct MLWFs describing isolated bands (e.g. valence bands of insulators) or entangled bands (e.g. valence and conduction bands of insulators, or metals). Obtaining accurate and compact MLWFs often requires chemical intuition and trial and error, a challenging step even for experienced researchers and a roadblock for high-throughput calculations. Here, we present an automated approach, projectability-disentangled Wannier functions (PDWFs), that constructs MLWFs spanning the occupied bands and their complement for the empty states, providing a tight-binding picture of optimized atomic orbitals in crystals. Key to the algorithm is a projectability measure for each Bloch state onto atomic orbitals, determining if that state should be kept identically, discarded, or mixed into the disentanglement. We showcase the accuracy on a test set of 200 materials, and the reliability by constructing 21,737 Wannier Hamiltonians.