(1)VMD内置的pbctool工具箱,可直接在vmd控制台或者Tk控制台(Main menu->Extensions->Tk Console)中输入以下命令:
pbc set [list a b c alpha beta gamma]
pbc box -on
pbc box -style lines|dashed|
pbc box -width 2
pbc box -color red
(2)tcl脚本:vmd_draw_unitcell。将下面内容保存在名为vmd_draw_unitcell.tcl的文件,放在vmd安装目录下(如:C:Program FilesUniversity of IllinoisVMD)
# vmd extension procedure:
# provide a ‘draw unitcell’ command
# $Id: vmd_draw_unitcell.tcl,v 1.2 2005/01/11 13:05:12 akohlmey Exp $
# Time-stamp:
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by
# add a unitcell graphic to a molecule via a draw subcommand.
# options:
# cell (vmd|auto|[list ]), default: “vmd”
# “vmd” will use the internal values,
# “auto” will build an orthogonal unitcell from the result of
# ‘measure minmax’ plus 1 angstrom added in each direction.
# else a list of a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma will be assumed.
# origin ([list ]|auto), default: {0.0 0.0 0.0}, “auto” with ‘cell auto’
# style: (lines|dashed|rod) default: line
# width: default: 1.0
# resolution: default: 8
proc vmd_draw_unitcell {molid args} {
# parse arguments
foreach {flag arg} $args {
switch $flag {
cell { set cell “$arg” }
origin { set origin “$arg” }
style { set style “$arg” }
width { set width “$arg” }
resolution { set resolution “$arg” }
default { puts “unknown option: $flag”; return }
if [info exists cell] {
if {![info exists origin] && $cell == “auto”} { set origin auto }
} else {
set cell vmd
if ![info exists origin] { set origin {0.0 0.0 0.0} }
if ![info exists style] { set style lines }
if ![info exists width] { set width 1 }
if ![info exists resolution] { set resolution 8 }
# FIXME: add some checks on the arguments here.
# handle auto keywords
if {$cell == “auto” || $origin == “auto” } {
set sel [atomselect $molid {all}]
set minmax [measure minmax $sel]
$sel delete
unset sel
if {$origin == “auto” } {set origin [vecsub [lindex $minmax 0] {1 1 1}]}
if {$cell == “auto”} {
set cell [vecadd [vecsub [lindex $minmax 1] [lindex $minmax 0]] {2 2 2}]
lappend cell 90.0 90.0 90.0
if {$cell == “vmd” } {set cell [molinfo $molid get {a b c alpha beta gamma}]}
global M_PI
set sa [expr sin([lindex $cell 3]/180.0*$M_PI)]
set ca [expr cos([lindex $cell 3]/180.0*$M_PI)]
set cb [expr cos([lindex $cell 4]/180.0*$M_PI)]
set cg [expr cos([lindex $cell 5]/180.0*$M_PI)]
set sg [expr sin([lindex $cell 5]/180.0*$M_PI)]
# set up cell vectors according to the VMD unitcell conventions.
# the a-vector is collinear with the x-axis and
# the b-vector is in the xy-plane.
set a [vecscale [lindex $cell 0] {1 0 0}]
set b [vecscale [lindex $cell 1] “$ca $sa 0”]
set c [vecscale [lindex $cell 2] “$cb [expr ($ca – $cb*$cg)/$sg] [expr sqrt((1.0 + 2.0*$ca*$cb*$cg – $ca*$ca – $cb*$cb – $cg*$cg)/(1.0 – $cg*$cg))]”]
# set up cell vertices
set vert(0) $origin
set vert(1) [vecadd $origin $a]
set vert(2) [vecadd $origin $b]
set vert(3) [vecadd $origin $a $b]
set vert(4) [vecadd $origin $c]
set vert(5) [vecadd $origin $a $c]
set vert(6) [vecadd $origin $b $c]
set vert(7) [vecadd $origin $a $b $c]
unset sa ca cb cg sg
set gid “”
switch $style {
rod {
# set size and radius of spheres and cylinders
set srad [expr $width * 0.003 * [veclength [vecadd $a $b $c]]]
set crad [expr 0.99 * $srad]
# draw spheres into the vertices …
for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
lappend gid [graphics $molid sphere $vert($i) radius $srad resolution $resolution]
# … and connect them with cylinders
foreach {i j} {0 1 0 2 0 4 1 5 2 3 4 6 1 3 2 6 4 5 7 3 7 5 7 6} {
lappend gid [graphics $molid cylinder $vert($i) $vert($j) radius $crad resolution $resolution]
lines {
set width [expr int($width + 0.5)]
foreach {i j} {0 1 0 2 0 4 1 5 2 3 4 6 1 3 2 6 4 5 7 3 7 5 7 6} {
lappend gid [graphics $molid line $vert($i) $vert($j) width $width style solid]
dashed {
set width [expr int($width + 0.5)]
foreach {i j} {0 1 0 2 0 4 1 5 2 3 4 6 1 3 2 6 4 5 7 3 7 5 7 6} {
lappend gid [graphics $molid line $vert($i) $vert($j) width $width style dashed]
default { puts “unknown unitcell style: $style” ; return }
# return list of graphics indices so that they can be saved and deleted later.
return $gid
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# time-stamp-format: “%u %02d.%02m.%y %02H:%02M:%02S %s”
# End:
source C:\Program Files (x86)\University of Illinois\VMD\vmd_draw_unitcell.tcl
draw unitcell cell [list a b c alpha beta gamma]
注意:a b c alpha beta gamma需要全部注明。
# cell (vmd|auto|[list ]), default: “vmd”
# “vmd” will use the internal values,
# “auto” will build an orthogonal unitcell from the result of
# ‘measure minmax’ plus 1 angstrom added in each direction.
# else a list of a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma will be assumed.
# origin ([list ]|auto), default: {0.0 0.0 0.0}, “auto” with ‘cell auto’
# style: (lines|dashed|rod) default: line
# width: default: 1.0
# resolution: default: 8