npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料

npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料

npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料

【做计算 找华算】理论计算助攻顶刊,10000+成功案例,全职海归技术团队、正版商业软件版权!


npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料

npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
Fig. 1 Data representation of MD simulations.
npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
Fig. 2 LSTM model training. 
a An ensemble of 1445 MD simulations were used to train the convolutional LSTM network. b Predicted ML stresses align well with real MD stresses,  with an r2 = 0.95 and (c) validation loss = 0.00058. d Predicted curves across a range of stress behaviors align well with MD, with the samples from Fig. 1b provided as example.
来自麻省理工学院原子和分子力学实验室的Andrew J. Lew等,提出了一个建构化蜂窝状材料压缩设计的完整工作流程。
npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
Fig. 3 Inverse design procedure. 
The stress prediction ML model directly solves the forward design problem, where we input an arbitrary structure vector and rapidly receive its stress strain curve. Here, we solve the inverse design problem via genetic algorithm, which comprises an iterative two stage process of generation and evaluation, to obtain structures given a desired stress behavior as input.
npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
Fig. 4 Inverse design of stiffness and ultimate stress.
这为未来使用计算模拟、人工智能和实验手段协同增强材料设计提供了另一种途径。该文近期发布于npj Computational Materials 9: 80 (2023)。
npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
Fig. 5 Experimental verification of stiffness design.
Editorial Summary
Architected materials design: Simulation, Deep learning and Experimentation
Hierarchical materials with specific architecture at different length scales are observed everywhere in nature, like in bone and wood. Adding architecture to structures can enhance mechanical properties and provides an extra design lever on top of atomic-level microstructure and macroscopic-level part dimensions. Investigations into hierarchically architected materials have thus been of great interest, with efforts to control fatigue tolerance, energy absorption, and stiffness and strength, among many others. Honeycomb structures are of particular interest due to their ultra-low weight and outstanding mechanical properties, with a variety of applications across automotive, railway, and aerospace industries. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have afforded emerging capabilities for architectural design. For example, there have been successes in achieving bioinspired hierarchical composites, in using semi-supervised approaches with graph neural networks, and in implementing natural language inputs for generative design of architected materials. Concurrently, machine learning (ML) models have been used in other material platforms for the prediction of a multitude of mechanical properties including fracture, compliance, and buckling. 
npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
Fig. 6 Experimental verification of stress design.
Andrew J. Lew et al. from the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics (LAMM), Massachusetts Institute of Technology,demonstrated a full workflow to tackle compression design of architected honeycomb materials. They used molecular dynamics simulations to determine initial insights into the space of hierarchical honeycomb lattices, machine learning and genetic algorithms to generate candidates for desired behavior, and additive manufacturing to rapidly test top structural candidates. The trained ML model provides an effective tool for the forward design problem, in which a given super-honeycomb structure can have its compressive behavior directly and rapidly predicted without having to set up, run, and analyze a physics-based simulation. A genetic algorithm search validated by simulation and experimentation enables effective interrogation of the inverse design problem. This work demonstrates a successful end-to-end process for compression design from ideated property requirements to actualized material structures. This process is generalizable to multiple material properties and agnostic to the identity of the base material, which can provide alternative avenues at the intersection of simulation, artificial intelligence, and experiment that can synergistically empower materials design in the future. This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 9: 80 (2023).
Designing architected materials for mechanical compression via simulation, deep learning, and experimentation (机械压缩建构化材料设计:计算模拟、深度学习和实验验证)
Andrew J. Lew,Kai Jin & Markus J. Buehler 
Abstract Architected materials can achieve enhanced properties compared to their plain counterparts. Specific architecting serves as a powerful design lever to achieve targeted behavior without changing the base material. Thus, the connection between architected structure and resultant properties remains an open field of great interest to many fields, from aerospace to civil to automotive applications. Here, we focus on properties related to mechanical compression, and design hierarchical honeycomb structures to meet specific values of stiffness and compressive stress. To do so, we employ a combination of techniques in a singular workflow, starting with molecular dynamics simulation of the forward design problem, augmenting with data-driven artificial intelligence models to address the inverse design problem, and verifying the behavior of de novo structures with experimentation of additively manufactured samples. We thereby demonstrate an approach for architected design that is generalizable to multiple material properties and agnostic to the identity of the base material.
npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料
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npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料


npj Computational Materials:计算模拟+AI+实验验证,设计建构化材料


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