Sang II Seok,韩国材料化学家,任职于蔚山科学技术学院(UNIST),在过去十几年中,共发表钙钛矿太阳能电池相关研究成果100余篇,自2014年提出反溶剂法调控钙钛矿结晶过程,此方法直接奠定了钙钛矿薄膜制备的基调,反溶剂萃取工艺成为了制备高质量钙钛矿薄膜最有效的方法之一。自此,“手不抖心不慌”成为了研究僧们入行钙钛矿电池领域必要的生理素质。
如今,2014的Nature Materials已被引用超过5000频次,可谓是钙钛矿太阳能电池的基石作品之一。
“Rethinking the A cation in halide perovskite”, Science, 375, 6583 (2022) -
“Perovskite solar cells with atomically coherent interlayers on SnO2 electrode”, Nature, 598, 444-450 (2021) -
“Impact of strain relaxation on performance of formamidinium lead iodide perovskite solar cells”, Science, 370,108-112 (2020) -
“Efficient, stable solar cells by using inherent bandgap of alpha-phase formamidinium lead iodide”, Science, 366, 749-753 (2019) -
“Challenges for commercializing perovskite solar cells”, Science, 361, 6408 (2018) -
“Iodide management in formamidinium lead halide-based perovskite layers for efficient solar cells”, Science, 356, 167–171 (2017) -
“Colloidally prepared La-doped BaSnO3 electrodes for efficient, photostable perovskite solar cells”, Science, 356, 1376–1379 (2017) -
“High-performance Photovoltaic Perovskite Layers Fabricated through Intramolecular Exchange”, Science, 348, 1234-1237 (2015) -
“Compositional engineering of perovskite materials for high-performance solar cells”, Nature, 517, 476-480 (2015)